Let me introduce you to the team you’re praying for…
Meet Corey! He’s a student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, working on his masters in missiology. He’ll be sharing his testimony at the teaching conference on Tuesday night (June 29th) from 6:30-6:45 PM.
Here’s Blanca! She’s a student a New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, working on her masters in missiology. Blanca is handling “double-duty” this week because she’s both a translator and speaker for the women at the conference. She’s translating everyday for all sessions, and she’s teaching on “Rely on God’s Word” on Wednesday (June 30th) 3:00-4:00 PM.
This is Bro. Bobby! He’s a retired car dealer from Decatur, AL. Bro. Bobby’s grandson just returned from a mission trip to Pennsylvania the day after Bro. Bobby left for his own mission trip to Peru! Bro. Bobby is a Gideon who’ll be handing out Spanish/English New Testaments, and he’ll be sharing his testimony in the teaching conference on Wednesday (June 30th) 6:30-6:45 PM.
This is Marci and Rob! Marci graduated from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently a school teacher. Rob is working on his masters in missiology. Marci is teaching three sessions for the women on “Truth and Faith” on Tuesday (June 29th) 5:30-6:30 PM, on “Teaching Children to Pray” on Wednesday (June 30th) 7:45-8:45 PM, and on “Look to Jesus” on Thursday (July 1st) 3:00-4:00 PM. Rob is teaching for the men of the conference on “Truth and Faith” on Tuesday (June 29th) 6:45-7:45 PM.
Meet Debbie! She is a student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, working on her masters in Christian education. She’s absolutely gifted by the Holy Spirit to lead in effective children’s ministry. In fact, Debbie is the master-mind for all the children’s ministry aspects of the conference, and she’ll also be teaching for the women three times on “Children Under Attack” on Tuesday (June 29th) 3:00-4:00 PM, on “Hiding God’s Word in My Heart” on Wednesday (June 30th) 4:00-5:00 PM, and on “Witnessing Training” on Thursday (July 1st) 4:00-5:00 PM.
Many of you know this guy as John. But in Peru, he is known as “Juancho El Hombre!” John is a city planner and consultant, and this is his second trip to Peru. He’ll be teaching on “Pray in Faith” on Wednesday (June 30th) 6:45-7:45 PM.
Meet Suzie (left) and Tatiana (right)! Suzie and Tatiana are both from Peru and are an extraordinary help to our mission team. They live in Lima. Tatiana recently finished Seminary in Lima and helps us with translating, and Suzie is currently studying in the Seminary in Lima.
Here’s Dr. Tolbert and Joy! Dr. Tolbert is the Director of the DMin Program at New Orleans Seminary, and he is the leader of our mission team. Mrs. Joy is the unparalleled organizer and encourager of our mission team! Dr. Tolbert will be speaking at least six times which includes four sessions for the conference. He’ll be preaching in a local Peruvian Church on Sunday (June 27th), and Dr. Tolbert will be speaking on “Pastors and Their Children” on Tuesday (June 29th) morning to a fraternity of Peruvian pastors. He’ll be speaking for the conference on “Overcoming the Enemy” on Tuesday (June 29th) 3:00-4:00 PM, on “Witnessing Training” on Wednesday (June 30th) 7:45-9:00 PM, on “Preparing Biblical Sermons” on Thursday (July 1st) 7:45-9:00 PM, and on “Stand Victorious” on Friday (July 2nd) 7:30-9:00 PM. Mrs. Joy takes the primary lead for the ladies of the conference, and she’ll be teaching three times on “Overcoming the Enemy” on Tuesday (June 29th) 3:00-4:00 PM, on “Pray in Faith” on Wednesday (June 30th) 5:30-6:30 PM, and on “Teaching Children Missions” on Thursday (July 1st) 5:30-6:30 PM.
Meet Pete! Don’t I look hilarious trying to take my own picture? I'm scheduled to teach three times for the men at the conference on “Spiritual Formation” (or a synopsis of my new book scheduled to release in September 2010 entitled Reaching the Next Level: Partnering with Others for Spiritual Growth; it's neat to see how God is already opening international doors to use this resource in making disciples of all nations - this is the whole goal!) on Tuesday (June 29th) 7:45-9:00 PM, on “Rely on God’s Word” on Wednesday (June 30th) 3:00-4:30 PM, and on “Look to Jesus” on Thursday (July 1st) 7:45-9:00 PM.
Well, this is the mission team God has sent. We're all humbled and honored to be a part of God's plan to advance His Kingdom throughout the earth, and I know I speak on behalf of everyone on the team that we really appreciate your intercession. May God's will be done by His power and for His glory (1 Colossians 1:28-29)!
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