This picture is of a store right across the street from Iglesia Bautista de el Tambo (where I worshipped this morning, June 27th). Do you see all of the things sticking out of the top of the building? Those are rods.
This picture is of a couple of houses/buildings right next to Iglesia Bautista de el Tambo. You’ll have to look a little more closely, but I think you can still see some of the rods sticking out of the tops of these houses/buildings.
Now, you might obviously ask: Why do they do this? It’s really quite simple. I’m told that in Peru, as long as a structure is “under construction” or “unfinished,” the owners or occupants pay lower taxes on the property. So many Peruvians intentionally leave these long rods sticking out of the tops of their homes or businesses in order to take advantage of paying lower taxes. The structure is actually finished on the inside, but it looks unfinished on the outside.
Of course, all of this leads me to a question: Are Believers “finished” or “unfinished” pieces of work? The answer, ironically, is “Yes!” We’re “finished” in the sense that we’re complete in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10). We’re “new creations” on the “inside” as far as what God sees because we are the righteousness of God in Christ who took our sin and gave us a perfect standing before God in Himself (2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Romans 8:1-4).
Yet, we’re “unfinished” in the sense that God is still working to complete the good work He began in us (Philippians 1:6). On the “outside,” we clearly have many ugly “rods of construction” sticking out of our lives in many places! Rods called "prejudice," "disobedience," "gossip," "gluttony," "impatience," "lust," "pride" - do I really need to contiue?
In fact, all Believers have an invisible “Under Construction” label attached to their lives. This is why Paul tells us in Philippians 2:12-13, “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - - not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence - - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good pleasure” (NIV).
Now, please notice what Paul is NOT saying here and what he IS saying here. First, he’s NOT saying that Believers are to work for their salvation. This is impossible because we’re saved by grace through faith and not of works so that no one can boast before God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Second, he IS saying that Believers are to work out their salvation. In other words, we’re a complete package in our position in Christ (we’re finished) - this is the truth of justification, but throughout our lives, God is enabling us by His grace to unpack practically the riches of His great salvation (we’re being finished) - this is the process of sanctification. It’s like the materials list to build the house is complete at the very moment of salvation (we finished) - this is the truth of justification, but now God is putting us together on the outside (we’re being finished) - this is the process of sanctification. This is why when Paul calls us to work out our salvation, he also tells us that God is really the One who supplies all the power we need. In fact, Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:3 that “[God’s] divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (NIV).
So, are Believers “finished” or “unfinished” works of God? Yes! We’re complete in Christ, but God is also finishing the good work He began! And by the way, isn’t it great to know that God finishes every project He starts? Praise His great name!
What an insightful picture into the life of a believer! God has really been encouraging me lately to rest in the work He's doing in me. There are so many things to do, projects to accomplish, books to read, etc. "for the Lord." But I find myself becoming overwhelmed by all the things to do, when all I really need to do is get up close to Lord and rest in Him. I'm reminded that I need not try harder to live the Christian life, but rather spend time with the Father and trust Him to produce holiness in me. This post is just another reminder that God is faithful and I need only to trust His faithfulness! Thank you, Dr. Pete, for insightful blog!