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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Coming Face to Face with God's Grace

[Have you ever heard the saying, "He's a poet but just doesn't know it"? Well, I'm no poet, and I know it! Nevertheless, I recently put some thoughts to a little rhyme-scheme about how my daily time in God's Word has a been a regular and powerful encounter with His life-transforming grace.

I must say that although I've been in ministry for 22 of the 23 years of my Christian life, I struggled for a long time to read God's Word daily. And then Jesus used a very difficult time in my life to show me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, my desperate need to read His Word every single day. While my time in the Scripture isn't always an "earth-shattering" revelation; it's definitely always beneficial.

I like to think of it like eating since Jesus says we don't live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God (see Matthew 4:4). Let me ask you: Do you savor every bite of every meal you eat as though it's the most amazing thing you've ever tasted? Of course not. Some meals absolutely melt in your mouth, and some meals are just, well, meals. But you don't eat only if the meal is a savory feast, right? You eat every day because you need to eat - it's necessary for normal health and growth.

And so it is with reading God's Word. On some days, you'll read God's Word and feel as though His truth shines through the pages of Scripture in a way that's brighter than the sun. In those times, His truth seems to literally leap off the pages of your Bible and transform your life! On other days, you read because you know you need to read, but you also know God's truth will always be beneficial since it's a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (see Psalm 119:105).

So, this following reflection isn't meant to be a "poetic masterpiece". It's just a simple moment of transparency describing how God uses His Word daily to sustain me with His all-sufficient grace. Oh, it's also a personal invitation from me to you to join me every day in reading God's Word so you can experience a face to face encounter with His grace, too!]

Everyday I rest in a familiar place
And come face to face with God’s grace.

Some days I wear a smile from ear to ear,
Since as far as my eyes can see, my path is clear.

But on other days, darkness closes in,
And I can’t even see what’s around the next bend.

But regardless of what I’m feeling on any given day,
God’s Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my way.

Still I must confess at times when I hear His voice,
I shut my ears and make my own selfish choice.

Yet, I know Jesus never gives up on me
Because when I turn around, I find His arms open wide continually.

The lesson I’m learning is as clear as day –
He’s always going to be there for me no matter where I stray.

So I’ve grown to find comfort in this place
Where I rest and come face to face with God’s grace.

You see, I’m the reader who daily inhales God’s life-giving Words
While He’s the “Breather” whose truth dispels all of life’s blurs.

So everyday when you look for me,
I’ll be drinking in His truth and being set free.

I’ve come to learn that in my weakness, He is strong –
That’s why being in His Word daily is where I belong.

And if you can nod your head to all I’ve said and say, “I agree.”
Then why not take a moment now from your busy day and join me?

We both know that the only way to make sense of life’s “rat race”
Is to read God’s Word everyday and come face to face with His all-sufficient grace.

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