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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Some Things Just Don't Mix!

Hello Everyone! It's been a while since I posted a blog. It's surely not because I've forgotten. But now that the Summer has come to a close, I'm looking forward to a little bit of a "routine" again. So here's a thought from the Word and an update on the new book entitled Reaching the Next Level: Partnering with Others for Spiritual Growth.

First things first: A thought from the Word. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and unrighteousness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"

You know there are some things that just don't mix. Righteousness/unrighteousness and light/darkness are examples.

Of course, Paul isn't telling us to isolate ourselves from the world. For instance, he tells us in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 that we're to impact others in the world while we're to hold ourselves and our fellow-Believers accountable for our walk with Christ.

Still, it's clear that some things just don't mix because if we put them together, we're going to make a mess of things. Check out the video below. It was shot with my family in our yard as an illustration of this point. What you're about to see is an experiment my wife and youngest son did involving some mentoes candy and diet coke. Just take a look at what happens when we mix these things together and enjoy. (NOTE: No one was hurt in the making of this video - not even my iPhone which came dangerously close to getting really sticky from spraying diet coke!)

So what's the take-away from this point? Simple: Let's be singular in focus - walking as children of the light. If we're double-minded (James 1:5-8), put our hand to plow and look back (Luke 9:62), or claim to love God who is Light and yet walk in darkness (1 John 1:5-6), we're going to make "mess" of our testimony and ultimately rob God of the glory that is rightly due to His great name from our lives.

Second, an update about the new book. I'm nearly complete with the editing on the Student Guide version of the book. I should be approving cover design fairly soon and then working to edit the Leader's Guide version. I think a date in September may still be a realistic release date. My prayer is that God will use this resource in any way He desires for His name's sake among all nations.

Thanks for your continued prayer, and remember: Be careful about what you "mix" into your life!


P.S. A very special "Thanks" to the world's greatest Student Pastor, Matt Jones, for giving this gift to my little budding scientist!


  1. Great illustration :-) and reminder that we really need to stay focused ALL the time!

  2. Hello Gail,

    Thanks for your comments, and I pray that we'll always "watch and pray" in every aspect of our lives (Colossians 3:1-10)! Blessings...

  3. Pete, email me. I am glad to see you are pastoring. There needs to be tons more guys like you teaching God's Word. We are career SBC missionaries in Japan http://kqualls.wordpress.com. Let's catch up.

