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Friday, May 14, 2010

Perseverance Pays Off!

On a personal note, I just finished an extensive editing process for my first book proposal, Reaching the Next Level: Partnering with Others for Spiritual Growth. This resources is basically a popular version of my doctoral project for New Orleans Seminary entitled Mentoring New Believers at Woodland Park Baptist Church, Hammond, Louisiana in the Basics of Spiritual Formation. At the encouragement of my wife, faculty mentor, and field mentor, I've worked over the last five months to edit the book into a publishable format. Also, while we've already used the book at Woodland Park for the second level of our personal disciple-making strategy, I'm hoping this more extensive version will make it better and more user-friendly.

So, if you're working on a project of any sort - high school graduation, college graduation, ministry goals, work projects, weight loss, personal Bible-reading (hint - hint for the blog!) - then, I don't mean to give you a canned word of encourage, but please keep on keepin' on! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a train - its the finish line!

Also, please pray for me. The Lord has given a few leads with publishers for the book, and I'm praying for His will to be done for His glory and honor. I plan to lead in a special teaching/equipping series throug Reaching the Next Level at Woodland Park on Sunday nights later this Fall so we can prepare more people to lead others through the resource. Remember: Christ's Great Commission is to go and make disciples of all nations (see Matthew 28:19-20).

By the way, I've already started my next book idea. It's focusing on sovereignty and suffering. Both from personal pain and pastoral ministry, I've faced suffering and found a wonderful shelter in the Biblical truth of God's sovereignty. Our Lord's sovereignty isn't one dimensional. In other words, He doesn't just use the pleasures of our life for His purposes; He also uses the pains of our life for His purposes! In fact, even our failures are fruitful in the hands of our soverign God who rules over all things and always. Again, I covet your prayers. If the Lord wills and I live, my goal is to have this manuscript completed (in all my free time) later this Fall. The ole saying is true: If you don't aim at something, you'll hit it everytime! Thanks for all your prayers, Friends.



  1. Congratulations, Pete and Wendy. This is a major accomplishment and I know one reached with much prayer and perseverance. I look forward to buying the book and studying it. I am proud to say I know you both!

    Susan Webb

  2. Hello Susan,

    Thanks for taking the time to post a comment! Wendy and I appreciate all your help, and you're very generous with your kind words. Look forward to hearing from you again sometime! Okay, God bless...

